Monday, September 30, 2013

September in Memoriam

the last day in September, Alhamdulillah semuanya berjalan dengan lancar. flash back di awal bulan ya....

hmmmm di awal bulan kita masih bisa bernapas 'sedikit' lega, tapi habis itu langsung diforsir abis-abisan deh. sempet keteteran dalam manage waktu, soalnya kita kelas XII udah full waktunya. gak ada waktu buat santai sedikitpun, kalau bisa dibilang. pulangnya selalu jam 5, ditambah lagi hari minggu ada privat mata pelajaran. uuu belum lagi ngerjain tugas yang buaaaannnyak banget. kalau gak bikin deadline tugas, dijamin gak bakal selesai itu tugas. sampe dibela-belain pulang maghrib cuma buat nyelesain tugas-tugas yang datang silih berganti.

pernah waktu pelajaran pagi pas bahasa indonesia, kita webcam-an. trus gurunya penasaran sama apa yang kita liat di laptop, trus ada yang pura-pura tanya tugasnya ngapain lah, pinjem penghapus, pinjem buku, tanya 'ini gimana', pinjem catetan lah, dan sebagainya sambil masang muka-muka innocent gitu. aku aja nahan buat ketawa. trus waktu bel pergantian jam, untungnya jam kosong, jadi kita webcam-an lagi deh. hehehe. ada juga yang lip sync dangdut lah. hahaha.

pernah aku sama Linda bikin prank ke temen-temen, bilang kalo ayo webcam-an, ini aku take banyak loh, jadi ganti-ganti pose ya.... trus Linda bilang 'ngaca dulu, biar cantik' dan mereka nurut aja, padahal itu di video dan mereka enggak nyadar. aku ama Linda nahan ketawa banget liat prank kita berhasil. dan waktu mereka tau kalo kita video, Hanif bilang 'rasanya kita bodo banget percaya dan gak nyadar kalo di video'

kegiatan di sore hari ya, nih di kelas FOSFOR, ada yang ngerjain tugas sambil gelesotan di lantai, ada yang ngerjain tugas kakinya sambil ditumpangin di kursi, ada yang nyetel lagu galau, ada yang curhat, ada yang panik gara-gara tugasnya gak selesai-selesai, ada yang bawa stok camilan buat nemenin ngerjain tugas, ada yang tidur, dan segala macam kegiatan lainnya. padahal kelas lain udah sepi gak ada penghuni, tapi FOSFOR masih hidup (ini antara anak Fosfor gak ada kerjaan di rumah, atau males pulang ya? kalo aku sih ngerjain tugas. kekeke)

nah, ada tugas bahasa inggris suruh comprehending discussion sama explanation text tuh, nah pas hari rabu tanggal 25 kemaren, waktu aku masuk kelas, aku disambut sama celotehan-celotehan anak-anak yang lagi bingung ngerjain tugas bahasa inggris. ada yang cari gunting lah, cari lem lah, liat text ini lah, text itu lah, yang liat jawaban text ini lah, dan segala macamnya. sampe sempet-sempetnya di video. uuu sumpah kelas gaduuh banget. waktu bel masuk, langsung pada teriak semua 'uwaaa udah bel, aku belum selesai. piye iki piye iki' ada juga yang teriak 'mam ismi otwwwwww' langsung deh sekelas grubuk-grubuk balik ke tempat masing-masing. nah, gara-gara atmosfer kelas panik, aku juga jadi ikutan panik deh.

uu pasti besok kalau udah kulian, bakal kangen sama masa-masa SMA. yang nyontek lah, dimarahin guru lah, kabur pas jam pelajaran lah, hang out bareng lah, dan segala macam tetek bengek nya anak SMA. uuuu kadang mikirin itu pengen nangis sendiri deh. emang bener masa SMA itu masa yang paling segalanya deh. dulu sih mikir, enggak juga deh kalo masa SMA itu masa yang paling indah, tapi setelah aku kelas XII, baru deh ngerasain masa-masa yang paling colorful.
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kyaaa kyaaaa kyaaaa..... finally finally finally (aish alay)

hehe you know why i'm happy? haha today, this is the first time Shi Yoon talk to me (jump jump jump).  when he talk to me, i just can stare him with the blank face. he ask me if i have a pencil sharpener. and you know, what's my answer? 'oh... i don't have it (blank face). kekeke

then in the middle of the exam, he order me to call his friend who sits beside me. hehehe because i'm happy, so i just poke my table mate and tell him that Shi Yoon calls him. ahh my table mate also order me to give his answer paper to Shi Yoon. so, i can interactive again with him ^^

i tell it to my friends and my friends just say 'ohmaigad, just like that and you're happy?' but Dyah Bonet says that when Brandon borrow her eraser, she's happy too. Brandon also says to Dyah 'excuse me, i wanna tidy up my table'. kekeke. i'm happy that Shi Yoon wanna talk to me. but, i'm happy is not because i like him, but i'm just happy.

oh yeah, today is chemistry and Javanese exam. and when we got chemistry exam, is like 'heaven'. wonder why? we change our 'buram paper' to each other. and when Javanese, we can change the 'soal' each other too. hehe i know that is cheating, but.... if we don't do it, our 'masa SMA' isn't colorful.
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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Anak Luar Biasa

hari ini pake bahasa indonesia dulu ya ^^

uumm tadi aku liat berita yang judulnya 'Anak Autis Berprestasi' trus entah kenapa pikiranku jadi melanglang buana kemana-mana. kalian sadar gak sih kenapa mereka disebut sama anak 'luar biasa' ? pasti pada jawab 'karena mereka lain dari kita' atau 'mereka punya kekurangan'. oke menurut aku jawaban itu bener. terlepas dari kenyataan bahwa mereka tidak memiliki apa yang orang lain miliki. tapi pernah gak kalian mikir kenapa mereka disebut anak yang gak biasa?

menurut aku seperti ini :
contoh : ada anak yang tidak bisa melihat. kita menganggap mereka hanya anak buta yang gak bisa ngapa-ngapain. padahal, anak itu bisa lihat dengan mata hati dia dan menurut aku, mata hati itu lebih jujur daripada mata 'normal' kita. dan mereka berbeda dari kita. iya aku akui itu dan aku percaya. Tuhan membuat mereka seperti itu pasti karena Tuhan sayang sama mereka. mereka bisa melihat, merasakan, mendengar, atau apapun yang tidak bisa orang 'normal' lakukan. itu artinya Tuhan punya maksud tersendiri kenapa mereka dibuat seperti itu.

ini sih spekulasi aku aja ya, anak yang luar biasa itu jika salah satu inderanya tidak berfungsi, maka indera lain akan jauuuh lebih peka daripada kebanyakan orang. dan pernahkan kalian berpikir 'orang yang 'kurang' aja bisa berkarya sebagus ini. sedangkan kita yang notabene 'normal' belum tentu bisa menyaingi karya mereka' pernah gak? aku jujur ya, aku pernah berpikiran seperti itu. tapi dasar bandelnya aku aja, jadi kurang termotivasi lagi. hehehe

tapi, cobalah liat dari sudut pandang mereka yang berbeda dari kita. coba deh kita asah lagi kepekaan kita dalam menjalani apapun. kalau mereka bisa, seharusnya kita juga jauh lebih bisa dari mereka kan? kenapa gak kita coba?

so...... buat saudara-saudara ku yang sangat luar biasa, kembangkan lah apa yang kamu bisa, dan jadikan itu sebagai motivasi kamu untuk terus berkarya. jangan patah arang ya, there's a will, there's a way. keep spirit, guys ^^
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Friday, September 27, 2013

The Second Day

guys..... today i got biology and history exam. uum the biology's question make me dizzy, cause the options have the same meaning. uuuu but i manage to answer as long as i can.

umm i wanna share something. on the last exam, all student XI grade already out of class, but Shi Yoon not yet finish. i pity him (Kai jahat, gak setia kawan ama Shi Yoon.uuuu). and i tell it to my friends, and my friends blame me. they say 'why don't you ask Kai to help him?' i just can say 'Kai is already out, and my table mate is out too. so, i can't help him' but they blame me again. uuuu they're cruel to me #somebody help me, please.

aaaa tomorrow is physic, and you know that the 'pengawas' is killer. we can't move. just straight your face to the exam. don't do that don't do this, don't talk, don't blablabla..... uuuu such a pity. nah, i think that when we got the physic, we always got the killer 'pengawas'. last year, our pengawas is our physic teacher. and he sits on behind me. and tomorrow, the pengawas is christian teacher who always walk around the class. he doesn't wanna sit quietly. uuu he has an eagle eyes, that always recognize student who cheat, play with gadjet, or give the answer to another student. uuuu what should i do? i just can't sit down quietly..... pray for us guys (pretty please, because we won't got remed physic)
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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Lucky (?)

my friends say that i'm lucky. wonder why?

first of all, we love K-Pop and i don't know why, in my school 'ada aja yang mirip' with K-Pop idol. there are Kai (pradebut), Baekhyun, Kyuhyun, Chen, Taemin, Gwang Soo, Chanyeol, and Yoon Shi Yoon (oh pretty please don't kill me #puppy eyes). and my friends say that i'm lucky because last year, when we midterm test, i'm on the same room with Kyuhyun. and now i'm on the same room with Kai and Yoon Shi Yoon. my friends envy me. i don't know why, but maybe that's my fate. ㅋㅋㅋ (just imagine they're really K-Pop idol. hehe)

nahnahnah.... i just wanna share that the first midterm test is smoothie. the teacher is not killer, and uuuuuummm nothing much. there's no amazing incident, or something happen. aah my friend guest that i wanna sit with Yoon Shi Yoon, but they're wrong. he sits besides me (not on the same table). hahahaha screw you guys. ahhhh i hope we can do the best with our exam guys (includes XI and X grades too) ^^ FIGHTING !!!!!
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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Room 22

guys.... i mean that is my room for midterm test tomorrow. uuu ready or not isn't important, because if you still unready, 'sama aja' tomorrow the exam will be held. nah, i'm on room 22, and you know XII IPA 4 sits with XI IPS 3. omaigad..... i realize that 'Kai (yang mirip sama Kai EXO ^^. please don't kill me)' will on the same room with me (untung gak sebangku). uuuu i think he already know that we call him 'Kai' aaah what should i do???

you know guys, i miss the memory when i'm in grade XI, i'm on the same room with 'him'. i miss it God. he'll go to my table just to talk with his friend, or he'll sit on my chair when i'm on the other chair. his joke, his present, his smile, his evil smirk, just miss it much. gaaaah screw 'him'. forget it please. it just your past.

hahahaha back to present.
uwaaaa so, what should i do? just don't look directly to Kai? or just don't mind him? or 'salting'? what else? uuuu it's such embarrassed moment. he knows me when i say to my friend, 'Kai' and he'll look at me (i just turn my head into another side).

tomorrow i got Indonesian and Sport lesson. nah, i'm confuse what should i learn? Sport? my teacher just give us aerobic lesson. and you know, on last year, the question is rather difficult, and i don't know the answer. Indonesia? my teacher give us how to make 'surat dinas' and i'm sure that tomorrow, the Indonesian's essay will order us to make it. uuu screw you. within 1.5 hours you have to finish it all. ahh, who 'pengawas' on my room? seem that the 'pengawas' is not killer. i hope so
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Student Exchange

yesterday, when i and vira pass on 'Waka' room and the window's room is open, i saw 'mannequin (?)'. i gasp to see it. then i go to the lobby, and saw A LOT OF suitcase. huuhuhu, and my schoolmate 'nyeletuk' that the 'bule' is deportation from Ausie. haha i just can laugh.
nah, today the first lesson is English, and my teacher bring the student exchange in my class. the 'bule' has an unique style. the bule's hair brown-green (the green on the 'pucuk'). and, the bule's hand is sick because the bule's got injured when played American Football.
nah, my teacher says that she will leave us with the bule, so we can ask everything to the bule. then my firend ask the bule 'what's your favourite food from indonesia' and the bule says 'saya suka SATE CHICKEN (aksen bule), and one class burst of laugh. the bule make me amazed that the bule can speak Indonesia fluently, padahal the bule learn english for 1,5 years ago. you know what, that i learn english since elementary school, but my english is not as fluent as the bule when speak Indonesia. uuuu poor me. i'm curious about the bule, but, if i ask myself, i'm afraid that i wanna hurt the bule's heart. so i say to my friend 'what's your gender' but in low tone. and you know what, vira say that when i say it, the bule turn head, to my direction. uuuu i'm sooo embarrassed. and i'm realize that the bule's gender is GIRL and her name is EMMA. uuu i hope i don't see her again. Emma, i'm so sorry ㅠ_ㅠ
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uuuu guys.... i'm back. long time no write here, cause i'm buuuuuuusy to prepare my midterm test. uuuuuuu tomorrow, we wanna fight with that.
ahhh forget bout it. nah... today on my school there is Pemilos (pemilihan ketua osis). gaaah, i don't know what should i choose. uuumm that's a secret who i choose. but i think, the candidate is rather 'bad' from last year. so, i'm confuse to choose. nanana i don't wanna back talking about the candidate, but, just see the result and i looking forward the visi misi that she/he 'umbar' on orasi. hehehe ^^
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