Friday, October 03, 2014

Cross Cultural Understanding Seminar 2014

hello guys.... i'm back. it's a new month, so you must have a new spirit, right.

okay.... today, i attended this seminar. this seminar is about another nations cultures. there are Korea, Russia, Burundi, Australia, German, Ukraine, Japan, Mexico, and Fiji Island. oh... don't ask me their name, because it spell difficult and i can't remember their name, but i remember Korean Native Speaker, Kim Jin Young, if i'm right.

they talk and share a lot about their native culture. but my native speaker from Fiji Island don't represent the presentation, but she perform a traditional dance from Fiji Island. uuu i enjoy it very much. she uses something in her head, called 'Teke-teke'. i don't have a time to ask about it further.

hey.... you know, Japan Guy and Russian Girl are fluently speak Indonesia. they present their presentation with Bahasa Indonesia. they beat me in speak Bahasa Indonesia, TT_TT i feel like they more Indonesia better than me.

then after all native speaker done with their presentation, we divided into four groups. we discuss more about cultures with native speaker. my first native friend is Michelle from Aussie. her major is Indonesia.. God... i wonder why all foreigner always take Indonesia. maybe they do like Indonesia very much.

he's from Burundi

she's from Ukraine

aaa she's Kim Jin Young

she's from Mexico

she's from Russia

he's from Japan

when they talk about food, we say 'oooohhh' because we're hungry. kekekek

aa... i don't have a chance to take a picture with Miss Kim Jin Young. i don't know where she is. maybe she's busy and go back first. but i can sneaky to take a picture with another native friends, but not at all.

here are some photos with native friends

all native friends are received a gift from EDSA

Asiia and me. she's studying in UAD Yogyakarta. shes's Ukraine

with Miss form Fiji Island

with Miss from Mexico

with native from Russia

here is Mr. Japan who fluently speak Indonesia

i really do like cultures and i wanna study and know more about another culture. i hope someday, someday i'll go all around the world... you too guys. just hang in on your dreams, and i believe that our dreams will come true, whether it will take a short time or a long time
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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Glowing with Happiness

maybe God has already plan something.... but i wonder why it must on Wednesday???

last week, i told you that i saw a glimpse of my senior in senior high school. and this afternoon, i saw him... God thanks for letting me see him. you know him right? the one who looks like Seung Hoon ^^. my friend said to me that she saw him 3 times in a day... i'm envy with her... and you know, i end up dream about him 3 times too. am i too desperate to see him? till i have to dream about him 3 times?

i expect to see him, but not being too desperate. i don't expect to see him this afternoon guys. when my friends and i break and have a lunch, i heard someone say 'kita jangan terlihat kayak maba' then i lift my headto see him, and you know he's with his friends. looks like someone play drum in my heart... dup lup dup lup. ahh you know when i saw him, i'm folding my mukena, and i'm dumbfounded, so i down my head. after they pass, i began to grin like crazily... i start to find Dea, and i wanna told her that finally i saw him. my friends say that i'm too happy.. yes yes yess i'm happy because finally i can saw him.... thanks God ^^
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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Pendopo Tedjokusumo

hari ini aku selesai kuliah jam 12.40.... lumayan siang apa lumayan pagi?? menurutku sih jadwalku masih mending daripada anak sasing ^^

Arda, Fany, Putri, dan aku mau ngerjain tugas poster Grammar part of speech nya ma'am Dyah.. kita janjian jam 2 di pendopo.. hmm baru kali ini nih aku ngerjain tugas di pendopo. karena aku sama fany ngelaju, jadi kita gak pulang deh. cari makan di luar, abis itu ke pendopo dan menemukan kenyataan bahwa Arda sama Putri belum dateng tu rasanya.....

akhirnya kita ngerjain tugas Pronunciation deh.. gak lama setelah itu akhirnya Arda dateng. saat kita lagi diskusi ada banyak mahasiswa yang berada di pendopo.. ada anak seni tari yang lagi praktek, ada maba seni musik yang bikin konser dadakan (maksudnya nyanyi sendiri) dan, entah itu ngerjain tugas, duduk-duduk, atau ngapain lah..

anak-anak seni tari praktek

(left to right : Me, Arda, Fany)

tiba-tiba datenglah Amanda yang tanya ke aku ada drama korea baru apa enggak. dan ternyata Arda sama Putri itu suka juga nonton drama korea... yes aku punya temen kpop lagi. kita cerita-cerita drama apa aja yang perlu ditonton.. lupa deh sama tugas kita. karena Fany bukan kpopers, dia jadi gak dong sama apa yang kita omongin deh... sepertinya kita bertiga sibuk dengan dunia kpop kita... heheheh

kalian gak nemuin sensasi kayak gini deh di pendopo fakultas lain.. gak ada kan anak-anak satu latihan tari, anak-anak yang lain lagi nyanyi, yang lainnya ngerjain tugas atau cuma sekadar nongkrong doang ^^... bangga bisa masuk dan menjadi bagian dari kampus ungu, Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni
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Saturday, September 13, 2014

Minggu Pertama Kuliah

alhamdulillah waktu yang dinantikan tiba juga....... maaf ya baru post sekarang, soalnya senin-jumat masih sibuk kuliah *eeehh ciee yang udah kuliah. hahha aku mau share nih pengalaman minggu pertama kuliah

oke, sebelumnya tau kan kalo TOP Oppa *tuut*... menurut aku ya, he's way more more and moreeee handsome with cloth on. seriously he's being like that. he said that he won't show his body, but... aaahhh i wanna scold you. aku baca artikel itu hari jumat tanggal 5. karena aku liat kamu kayak gitu Oppa, aku jadi gak mood, padahal aku mau positive thinking untuk menjalani kuliah ku... but you asdfghjkl

oke, lupakan tentang TOP sejenak. sekarang aku mau cerita tentang pengalamanku kuliah.

hari senin... di jadwal sih ditulis kalo aku ada kuliah jam 7-8.40 yaitu Listening For General Communication di gedung kuliah 2 lantai 3.. brr pagi-pagi udah di suruh olah raga. dosenku namanya Miss Nila Kurniasari, M.Pd, nah beliau mau keluar sebentar dan nyuruh kita masuk ke lab. pas Miss Nila balik ke lab, beliau baca kertas yang ditempel di dinding lab, bunyinya 'Dilarang Masuk Lab Bila Tidak Ada Dosen' lalu Miss Nila bilang gini ke kita 'haha hari pertama udah melanggar aturan (maksudnya beliau itu cuma bercanda). di sini, kita belum mulai kuliah, baru perkenalan silabus aja. terus habis itu, kita di dengerin lagu bahasa inggris (ya iyalah ya), dan kalian tau gak, aku biasanya dengerin lagu Kpop dan sekarang harus denger lagu Inggris tu berasa aku kudet banget. over all, Miss Nila enak kok kalo ngajar, dan beliau gak mau di panggil 'Lecturer', maunya di panggil 'Teacher'.

selesai kuliah listening

beranjak ke jadwal kedua, yaitu Speaking For General Communication di gedung kuliah 1 lantai 3. udah siang juga tetep di suruh olah raga. dosen ku namanya Ma'am Siwi Karmadi. di situ kita juga baru perkenalan silabus.. and you know, my lecturer says in full english. karena kita (temen-temen satu kelas) belum kenal satu sama lain, jadi Ma'am Siwi nyuruh kita nulis tentang kita, tapi gak usah di kasih nama. so kita harus tanya satu persatu.. oh ya aku lupa cerita... di kelasku cewek semua looh

hari selasa, hmm lumayan padet jadwal kuliah. jam pertama itu Sosio Antropologi Pendidikan, tapi kosong.... gak tau sih dosennya kemana, soalnya itu kan MKU, jadi kita gak bisa cari dosennya di ruang jurusan... alhasil, kita para maba hanya keluyuran gak jelas deh.

kuliah kedua yaitu Writing For Personal Respons. dosenku yaitu Ma'am Sari Hidayati, M.A. biasa, hari pertama kuliah, kita masih dikasih tau tentang silabus, tugas, dan lain-lain... hmm di tengah-tengah Ma'am Sari menjelaskan silabus, Ma'am Sari tiba-tiba bilang, 'Di sini ada yang suka Korea?' dengan spontan, aku langsung menegakkan badan... ternyata Ma'am Sari itu lulusan Bahasa Korea UGM tahun (aku lupa).. Ma'am, aku akan semangat ketemu Ma'am besok waktu kuliah lagi ya ^^. oh ya, Ma'am Sari bilang ke kita kalo kita harus, wajib, fardhu a'in punya kamus Oxford (terserah, mau besar atau kecil), Kamus Inggris-Indonesia, dan Kamus Indonesia-Inggris karangannya Hassan Sadhili. dan hari selasa besok itu, kita wajib bawa kamus Oxford dan kamus Indonesia-Inggris.

kuliah ketiga yaitu Pronunciation Skills.. dosenku yaitu Ma'am Yuniar Diyanti, M.Hum. biasa, jelasin silabus dulu, setelah itu kita di kasih satu lembar kertas yang isinya simbol-simbol yang biasa kalian jumpai dalam kamus Inggris-Indonesia. kita diajarin bagaimana cara melafalkan simbol itu.. oh iya, karena Ma'am Yuniar tau kalo kelas kita cewek semua, beliau menghadiahkan kelas kita 2 orang cowok (maksudnya, kakak senior yang repeater). Ma'am Yuniar mengharuskan kita bawa kamus Oxford Advanced's Learners Dictionary yang tebelnya setebel Al-Qur'an. dan Ma'am Yuniar kasih buku pegangan yang lumayan tebel juga. jadi intinya, dalam sehari itu, kita di suruh bawa dua kamus -__-

those are my treasures for this three and a half years

beranjak ke hari rabu.. kuliah pertama yaitu MKU Bahasa Inggris sama PA ku, yaitu Ma'am Nury Supriyanti, M.A.. seharusnya kita kuliah di ruang kuliah lantai 3, tapi disuruh pindah di lantai 2.. beliau gak jelasih silabus, tapi ceramah apa bedanya belajar bahasa inggris di kursus dan di English Department ini.. setelah itu, kita di kasih tugas, bikin beberapa paragraf tentang diri kita dan di kumpul minggu depan.. alhamdulillah sudah selesai ^^. kuliah kedua yaitu Manajemen Pendidikan.. dosenku yaitu Bu Meilina Bustari. yaa biasa lagi, masih bahas silabus, tugas, dan lain-lain.

kuliah ketiga yaitu Reading for General. dosenku yaitu Ma'am Emy Nur Rokhani, S.Pd. masih sama, yaitu bahas silabus juga.. terus kita dikasih tau tugas selama semester ini. tugasnya cuma 2, yaitu book report sama reading speed. gampang kan... iya gampang, cuma dua kok tugasnya. tapi book report nya itu harus baca buku yang minimal 200 halaman. terus reading speed nya itu baca 30 artikel dan di kumpul setiap minggu. just wow.

kuliah keempat yaitu Basic Communicative Grammar. dosenku yaitu Dyah S. Ciptaningrum, M.Ed. kita harusnya di ruang kuliah 204, tapi jadi pindah ke lantai 3. sama lagi, kita masih bahas silabus. pokoknya hari pertama ketemu itu masih bahas silabus dkk deh. terus kita dapet tugas buat bikin poster tentang part of speech dan kita buatnya di minggu kedua, artinya itu minggu besok kita bikin poster tentang itu.

oh ya, entah saat kapan ya dan ini terjadi secara tiba-tiba. aku sih tau cepet atau lambat, aku juga akan ketemu dia, tapi aku gak nyangka bakal ketemu secepat ini. waktu aku naik tangga dan mau ke ruang kuliah ku, tiba-tiba dia keluar dari ruang kuliah.. aku sih gak liat bener mukanya, soalnya dia lagi sibuk dengan sesuatu (mungkin gadget nya kalik).. you know, i think someone play drum in my heart, my heartbeat is soo fast. dan kebiasaanku nih ya, kalo aku liat dia atau temenku nyebut nama dia, i'm frozen and stop abruptly. ahh enough deh ceritanya.. masa lalu kok

ahh akhirnya ada satu hari dimana aku gak kuliah pagi. hari kamis jadwalnya Pancasila sama Pak Danar Widiyanta. kita di kasih tau kalo tugasnya itu, kita harus bikin essay 1 lembar tentang materi yang akan di pelajari dan di kumpul setelah selesai kuliah. dan kita juga bikin makalah tentang tema-tema yang ditentukan, dan dikumpulkan paling lambat saat UTS. setelah ini, gak ada kuliah lagi, jadi aku free ^^

balik lagi ke kuliah pagi. hari jumat jadwalnya Apresiasi Budaya. aku agak kesiangan berangkat, jadi sampe kampus lumayan mepet. mana sekarang jalanan di jogja gak ada yang gak rame lagi. sampe ngos-ngosan ke ruang kuliah. untuk sih dosennya belum masuk. dosennya juga agak telat. beliau adalah Bu Sri Harti Widyastuti. Ibunya bilang kalo hari ini beliau gak bisa nemenin kita belajar soalnya Ibunya mau nguji kakak senior ku. dan akhirnya kuliah pun kelar. you know what... aku udah ngebut-ngebut ke kampus, ngos-ngosan dari parkiran ke ruang kuliah, sampe di ruang kuliah, Bu Tuti bilang kalo kuliah selesai dalam waktu 15 menit, itu rasanya sakiiiiiit banget.  tau gitu mending aku gak berangkat ya, hahaha ^^

so far so good sih menurutku untuk minggu pertama aku kuliah. walaupun udah di kasih tugas, tapi tugasnya juga udah bisa dicicil sekarang. pokoknya semua dosen pesen ke kita untuk selalu berkomitmen, hard-working, aktif, dan selalu optimis. aku sih mikirnya, walaupun di kedepan hari nanti tugas dan materi semakin banyak, jalani aja. jangan di pikir terlalu dalem, tapi jangan meremehkan juga. kalo kita kerja keras dari sekarang, kan hasil yang kita petik di akhir nanti insyaAllah akan memuaskan...

ya Allah, semoga kami bisa selalu beristikomah di jalanmu dalam mencari ilmu dan pengalaman berorganisasi. semoga Engkau meridhoi kami dalam menuntut ilmu agar ilmu yang kami dapatkan dapat bermanfaat kelak.. Amiin
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Friday, August 29, 2014

Ospek Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni UNY 2014

hai hai hai.... i'm back i'm back. ciee judulnya begitu. hahah iya saya maba baru 2014. saya abis ospek

ya Allah... beneran ya i'll cherish this moments. emmm aku tau sih anak seni itu pada 'gila-gila' tapi aku gak nyangka kalo 'gila-nya' bakal seperti ini. yang bisa aku ungkapin dari ospek selama lima hari ini adalah, 'OSPEK FBS SUPER DUPER KEREN DAN THE BEST OF THE BEST' kyaaa *tereak ala fangirling*

mau tau kenapa aku bisa bilang gitu?? gak mau ya, yaudah sih gak papa.... oke ignore it

di hari pertama ospek, kalian tau kita harus udah kumpul di kampus jam set 6. itu maksimal.... bayangkan, rumah ortuku di gamping, sedangkan kampusku ada di karang malang, butuh sekitar 30-45 menit buat sampe. so bisa bayangin kan aku dari rumah jam berapa. mana properti ospek buanyak banget lagi, jadinya aku minta anter bunda.

di hari pertama, rencananya sih kita duluan yang bakal masuk ke Gor UNY, tapi karena pengkondisian maba di fakultas agak lama, jadinya waktu kita sampe Gor, udah banyak fakultas lain yang masuk. padahal kita mau menyapa fakultas lain dengan yel-yel kita....

kalian tau ga, selama ospek aku pulangnya abis maghri terus, dan mandi abis isya terus. mana rumah-kampus itu butuh waktu sekitar 30-45 menit. pukpuk semangat say.... ^^

di hari pertama sih belum ada yang special, soalnya masih dengerin rektor, dekan, dan dosen orasi panjang lebar *maaf ya bapak dan ibu, saya tidak mendengarkan*. karena tempatnya sek-sekan kayak lagi naik metromini, jadinya buanyak temen-temen FBS yang pingsan.

lanjut ke hari keduan, kita masih tetep di Gor, masih tetep suruh sampe kampus maksimal jam set 6, tapi bedanya kita duluan yang masuk, jadi kita menyapa fakultas lain. hari kedua ospek fakultas, kita disuguhi dengan display UKM yang ada di UNY. sekitar 31an lebih UKM yang ditampilkan. seru banget acaranya. korlap FBS, mas Albian, mas Bram, mas Didi, dan mas Dendi berubah menyaji anoman-anoman FBS yang unyu. ngakak banget. mas Hasbi jadi buto nya. tau gak, kode mereka komunikasi itu adalah bersiul, dan siulannya mas Bian itu keras nya minta ampun.

waktu UKM Safel (Student Activity Forum of Foreign Languages) tampil, kan di Safel juga ada bahasa korea, mbak-mbaknya tu dance cover 'Crush' 2NE1 lagi... kok bisa pas banget sih sama keadaanku saat itu *upps (aku bakal cerita nanti aja yaa)

lanjut ya ke hari ketiga, nah di hari ketiga ini ospek fakultas. sempet terlintas kalo ospek fakultas agak 'mengerikan' yaa takut aja dimarahin dan adanya per-plonco-an dari kakak-kakak senior. but, it wrong. malahan, ospek ini serunya minta ampun. kita disuguhi dengan teater dari anak-anak FBS. kerennya puol deh. selain itu, kita juga ada tanya jawab sama dekan dan wakil dekan FBS. seru banget acaranya. sayang sih, para maba tidak diperbolehkan menngunakan HP saat ospek, jadi aku gak bisa foto deh.

lanjut lagi ya ke hari keempat. masih ospek fakultas, tapi kali ini, kita outdoor. kita diajak kakak-kakak pemandu untuk berkeliling fakultas dengan games. tapi sebelum itu, kita ada jadwal di masjid Al-Mujahidin. pas explore fakultas, kita diberi peta dan pos mana saja yang harus di datangi dulu untuk mengumpulkan bintang emas, dan nanti yang menang mendapatkan piala serta predikat 'gugus terbaik'. saat kita tiba di post pertama yaitu pos 4 yang berada di C13, kakaknya jelasin kalo gedung kuliah ini dipake sama anak PBSI, PBI, dan PB apa gitu aku lupa. ya Allah, kemungkinan sih aku satu gedung kuliah sama mas SH..... setelah kita bercapek-cape ria menjelajahi fakultas, kita disuguhi dengan penampilah maba-maba ungu unyu yang kece. setelah itu, kita juga disuguhi dengan display Ormawa (Organisasi Mahasiswa). secara keseluruhan aku menikmati banget ospek tahun ini.

nah, hari ini adalah hari terakhir aku ospek. ini adalah ospek jurusan. aku masuk di jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris dengan program studi yang sama pula. ospek prodi PBI digabung dengan Sasing, jadi kita berada di stage tari tejokusumo. di sana, kita dikenalkan dengan dosen-dosen yang akan mengampu kita, apa itu EDSA, apa itu SALC, and so on. di akhir sesi, kita disuguhi teater yang berjudul 'Romeo and Juliet'. yaa ceritanya dibikin beda sama yang asli. pokoknya aku menikmati banget ospek FBS 2014 ini.

oh iya, tadi sore ada insiden, aku dipanggil sama SPK (gak tau kepanjangannya apa, yang jelas itu bagian kedisiplinan). aku gak tau apa salahku, pas ditanyain sama SPK, aku bilang 'mungkin bikin artikel gak lengkap 1 halaman' trus mbak SPKnya jawab 'jadi kamu gak yakin sama jawaban kamu?' aku bilang aja kalo aku gak tau apa salah aku. trus SPK nya tanya sama SPK yang lain, siapa yang nyatet nama Fitri dari Alice, tapi pada gak jawab. aku tambah bingung kan. pas mbak SPK muter buat liat cocard, aku liat catetan mba SPK, dan ternyata 'kesalahan'ku itu karena warna baju. iii perasaan aku sih itu baju juga warnanya sama kayak maba lain, but i dunno.

akhirnya SPK meminta kita para maba yang dipanggil buat nentuin hukuman sendiri. kita memilih untuk membersihkan sampah yang ada di lingkungan pendopo tejokusumo. ya udah sih ya, dijalani aja.. ikhlas kok aku.... ^^

setelah selesai, aku masuk stage tari lagi buat dengerin penutupan ospek. dan akhirnya ospek pun berakhir. kita berjoget ria dengan bintang tamu, kijing and apa gitu namanya lupa. oh iya, yang menang dan dapet piala jelajah fakultas itu gugusku looh, Reog dengan perolehan bintang kuning 3 dan bintang hijau 7. nah aku bilang sama dea waktu ospek jurusan, 'nanti SPKnya bakal nampilin sesuatu yang cetar membahana gak ya' dan ternyata bener dugaanku, para SPK setelah minta maaf kalo selama ospek mereka ada yang galak, mereka langsung nyanyi 'Hidup tanpa SPK bagai taman tak berbunga' dan yel-yel FBS mancing, tapi kata FBS diganti sama kata SPK, jadi liriknya 'SPK move on SPK move on'

nah, untuk masalah 'Crush', aku mau cerita. begini asal muasalnya...

kalian tau Seung Hoon Winner kan? pastinya tau lah ya... nah, ada mas P3K yang mirip sama dia. aku liat masnya di hari pertama ospek, sekilas sih liatnya dan aku mikir kok kayak Seung Hoon ya. trus aku bilang sama dea kalo ada yang mirip sama Seung Hoon. di hari kedua, aku lebih mengamati masnya. dan subhanallah, dia mirip buanget kayak Seung Hoon (liat Seung Hoon dulu ya, baru liat masnya kalo mau bandingin)

pas dea udah sadar dan bilang kalo masnya itu mirip sama seung hoon, rasanya aku bahagia banget. gimana gak, setiap kali aku ngomong eh ini mirip si itu, temen sma ku selalu bilang enggak, dan waktu dea mengiyakan, aku lega banget.

di hari kesekian ospek, gugusku kan selalu duduk di deket tangga utama stage tari, dan ternyata mas P3Knya ada di pintu keluar utama stage. intinya selama ospek, pikiranku tertuju pada mas P3K. aku berdoa gini, 'ya Allah, liatin cocard nama mas P3Knya dong'. dan kayaknya Allah itu mengabulkan doaku, pas aku liat ke arah kiriku, masnya nengok ke kanan, dan terlihatlah nama dia di cocard. ya Allah, makasih banyak telah mengabulkan doaku. trus aku juga batin, 'dia masuk jurusan apa ya?' lagi-lagi Allah menjawab doaku, saat display hima jurusan, ternyata dia jadi salah satu anggota hima *tuuut.

waktu kita jelajah fakultas, kayaknya sih aku bakal satu gedung kuliah sama masnya. hahahah. kita kan juga dapet majalah. disitu ada jadwal ospek, nama-nama panitia yang bertugas. dan deg, kenyataan menghantamku. aku baru sadar kalo ada juga sie P3K di majalah itu, dan aku nemu nama dia di majalah itu. kyaaaa....... waktu di tengah-tengah acara, ada temenku yang minta dianterin ke kamar mandi, aku juga ikut. trus temenku itu minta pads ke aku, trus aku menyarankan dia minta ke P3K. aku juga minta pads ke P3K. ada dia di depan PLA. oh my God..... gak tau kenapa, tiba-tiba aku berdiri di depan banner P3K, dan mataku langsung tertuju ke nama dia. masyaAllah. kayaknya sih mas P3Knya sadar deh kalo aku liatin dia terus, heheheh

dan hari ini, aku envy berat sama temennya dea, arin atau siapa lah namanya. kita punya misi buat foto sama mas P3Knya, tapi waktu mau gantian foto, masnya dah kabur duluan. sebel deh... ahh yaudah mungkin itu juga belum rejeki aku sama dea buat minta foto sama mas P3K. mungkin Allah akan memberikan rejeki yang lainnya. siapa tau kita bisa selangkah lebih dekat dengan mas P3K. hahah duh gak enak banget sih manggil mas P3K, aku sama dea bikin inisial pake nama SH (artinya Seung Hoon kawe yang super duper muiriiipe puoool sama Seung Hoon)

here are some the pictures when i was ospek

hari kedua selesai pengkondisian ospek

hari terakhir ospek FBS 2014

he's SH Kawe, okay

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Sunday, August 17, 2014

2NE1′s Park Bom Makes First Performance in Korea After Drug Controversy

After laying low in her appearances in the Korean entertainment scene following her drug controversy that erupted on June, 2NE1 member Park Bom is slowly making her comeback.

On August 15, the oldest 2NE1 member with the 4D personality joined her group mates and performed at the YG Family Concert in the AIA Real Life Now Festival.

2NE1 performed their hit songs “Fire” and “Crush” wherein Park Bom was seen belting out her powerful voice and performing with the usual energy that she has always had. She performed in front of 10,000 fans who loudly clapped and cheered for them and other YG Family artists.

After the two songs, the girls had a chance to talk to the crowd. 2NE1 leader CL grabbed the mic and said, “We enjoy that we’re back and performing here in Seoul. It’s been a while. We prepared really hard.” Then, Park Bom greeted everyone and said, “I’m Park Bom. I really missed you a lot.” Minzy followed, “The response is good. Let’s fire up this heat!”

A lot of fans were worried about Park Bom who has made her first appearance in the concert after staying silent following her controversy. However, Park Bom had on a bright expression on her face and went on with the performance as if nothing happened, giving her fans an assurance that she is doing okay.

Apart from 2NE1, YG Entertainment artists PSY, BIGBANG, Epik High, Lee Hi, Akdong Musician, and the newly-debuted Winner performed for five hours at the YG Family Concert.

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Sunday, August 10, 2014

YG Entertainment reveals album release dates for WINNER's debut!

It's been a long wait for fans, but YG Entertainment's newest boy group WINNER finally has a solid release date!

According to a teaser image released on the YG-LIFE blog, WINNER's debut album will be released online on August 12 at midnight, followed by a physical release two days later on August 14.

Meanwhile, the group will host a special launch event for fans on August 6. Are you ready for WINNER?

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My First English Novel

hello guys... i'm back i'm back

nah you know, i really really addict with english now. all about it. and i'm diligent to read all english news, fanfics, ect.

and this is my first english novel i've ever buy. kyaaaaa i'm so happy and speechless. when i told my friends that i bought english novel, they said 'oh god... if i were you, i won't buy english novel, i'll burn it'  kekekke they're so funny

hmm i wonder how long i'll finish read it. when i read indonesian novels, i just took 2-3 days. but now, i've to understand it more and more

haa guest it, how much this book? 105K IDR. and you know how much percy jackson in indonesian language? just 59K IDR. oh my GOD....... morreeeeeee expensive, right

now i've read till 1/4 books, but i don't know when will i finish it coz i've to attend my collage's occasion. uuuu my schedules for this week are soo crowded. pray for me guys....
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Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Hang Out (again)

hay guys Happy Eid Mubarak 1435 H sorry if i'm late to say it. finally i can make some post on August. i'll post my activities when Eid Mubarak days next time.

aaa almost forget, i wanna say, deep down from my heart, Happy Birthday to my greatest Father. hope you will be bless from Allah, stay healthy there, and everything good for you. once again Happy Birthday Daddy ^^

okay.... today i watched movie with Amma ba'du again. we watched Step Up All In.

from home i went to empire at 10.15 am. and i arrived at 10.47 am and you know, the empire's gate isn't open yet. hisk..... so i take a walk around empire. then i go there again, still the gate is closed. so i decided to go to Superindo near empire to buy sari roti and guava juice.

yess and finally the gate is open. the queue isn't long enough. i'm the 3rd, kekeke. after the short queue, i've got the tickets.

then Amma ba'du arrived. we chit chat then studio 3 is open. we enter the studio and tada.... there's still no people inside, we're the first. and you know, it's like the studio is our own studio. and of course we're the last one who exit the studio. aaa the movie is soooooo great. why all main characters in Step Up always end up being relationship? and i wonder will there's another Step Up after this movie? God.... Mooski being a man in this movie. ooo i miss him, but i think Camilie is change but still beautiful ^^. and i miss Kido too. she's so adorable.

hmm.... after that we take a lunch at Nanamia Pizzeria in Gejayan. it's an Italian Pizza, so the pizza is thin, not like American Pizza which thicker. we order Hawaii pizza, Pome Menta and Strawberry Juice. you know, the taste of Amma's beverage is like Listerin Orange, for freshen mouth., hahahha. it's combined from Apple and Melon.

yumm... we ate it while chit chat till the pizza got cold. after we finished it, always we took a selca

nah.... i ever watch Korean Drama, Let's Eat. i recommended this drama to you to watch it. it's good. the drama is about the woman and man really love to eat. Lee Soo Kyung is always looking for Mr. Shiksa's blog that post an empty plate after eat. Lee Seo Kyung's friend says 'what the heck is it. why he's always post an empty plate?' then Lee Seo Kyung says 'that's an unique point, it means the food is really delicious till he don't leave a single bite' and looks like the sentences hypnotize me, i took an empty plate too.

i really enjoy this day ^^
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Monday, July 21, 2014

Dispatch Klarifikasi Kasus Narkoba Bom 2NE1 - Meski YG Entertainment telah mengeluarkan pernyataan resmi terkait kasus narkoba Bom 2NE1, publik sepertinya masih ingin mengetahui lebih jauh. Mereka masih bertanya-tanya mengapa sang idol bisa lolos dari dakwaan meski terbukti mengimpor afetamin yang merupakan salah satu obat ilegal.

Media Dispatch turut mengungkap lebih dalam kasus member 2NE1 itu melalui kolom tanya jawab. Dilansir Allkpop, berikut rangkuman sesi tanya jawab mengenai kasus yang sedang ramai dibahas ini.

Apakah Bom mengirim obat itu ke alamat neneknya untuk menghindari kecurigaan 
Alasan Bom mengirim ke alamat neneknya karena dia jarang ada di rumah, ibunya juga sering berpergian. Karena alasan itu, dia mengirim ke alamat rumah neneknya agar paketnya sampai tepat waktu.

Bagaimana langkah investigasi kasus ini dan hasilnya 
Jaksa melakukan penyelidikan mengenai asal obat dan tujuannya. Setelah satu minggu, mereka menanyai nenek Bom dan pergi ke rumah ibu Bom untuk mencari obat tersebut. Dari 82 pil hanya 3-4 yang dikonsumsi dalam satu minggu, yang mana tidak bisa diartikan sebagai penyalahgunaan obat.

Bukankah penutupan kasus ini terasa sebagai perlakukan khusus 
Meski seseorang menggunakan narkotika, jika dia menggunakan dengan tujuan yang jelas dan merupakan dakwaan pertamanya, ada kemungkinan akan diberikan kebebasan. Karena Bom memiliki resep dari Amerika dan menggunakannya untuk pengobatannya, ada kemungkinan diberikan keringanan dan bukan perlakukan khusus.

Adakah kasus lain yang juga dibebaskan seperti Bom 
Seorang pria pernah memesan bubuk akar yang memiliki kandungan narkotik. Pasalnya sang ayah mendengar jika bubuk akar itu bisa membantu penyembuhan putranya. Setelah memeriksa tidak ada kandungan narkoba di tubuh sang anak dan pria itu terbukti tidak ada kandungan narkoba di obat tersebut, dia dibebaskan dari dakwaan.

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Bom 2NE1 Ungkap Alasan Berhenti Syuting ROOMMATE - Kasus dugaan penyelundupan narkoba yang dilakukan oleh Park Bom hingga kini masih belum menemukan titik terang. Publik Korea Selatan masih ramai membicarakannya karena tak hanya soal narkoba, Park Bom diduga juga melakukan pemalsuan umur.

Pasca munculnya kasus tersebut, status Park Bom dalam salah salah satu reality show-nya, ROOMMATE, mulai dipertanyakan. Saat itu, belum jelas apakah personel 2NE1 ini akan melanjutkan reality show tersebut atau tidak.

Namun kini tampaknya Park Bom sendiri yang mengungkap kepastian tersebut. Lewat agensinya, YG Entertainment, Bom mengatakan tak memiliki kepercayaan diri untuk tampil dalam acara tersebut.

 "Aku minta maaf atas semua kontroversi yang kusebabkan. Aku merasa kacau, aku tak punya kepercayaan diri untuk melanjutkan syuting ROOMMATE.

Perwakilan dari pihak ROOMMATE membenarkan pernyataan tersebut. Meski demikian, Park Bom akan tetap tampil dalam beberapa episode ke depan, yang pengambilan adegannya sudah selesai dilaksanakan.

Padahal sebelumnya, pihak SBS menyatakan pada StarNews bahwa Bom akan tetap bergabung dalam Roommates karena sudah terbukti tidak bersalah dan kasus narkobanya telah ditutup. Hal ini tentunya disayangkan para penggemar ROOMMATE dan para Blackjack.

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Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Song Ji Hyo transforms into Snow White for next week's 'Running Man'

Next week's episode of 'Running Man' will star none other than the beautiful Snow White herself in the form of Song Ji Hyo!

Living a happy life with her seven dwarves including Ryu Seung Soo, everything seems perfect for Snow White - until the curse of the poisoned apple, cast by a witch, puts Snow White into a deep sleep.

With only the seven dwarves left to save Song Ji Hyo from the clutches of the witch, who will be the one to win her back?

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[Spoilers] Lee Kwang Soo gets embarrassed by a suggestive face on 'Running Man'

Lee Kwang Soo became flustered after an embarrassing photo of his face became the hot topic on this week's 'Running Man'!

The latest episode involved a 'photo zone' mission where the cast and guests would have to jump into a specified frame in order to successfully pass. Unfortunately for the 'giraffe', one of the captured photos showed him pulling a distinctively suggestive face behind A Pink's Bomi!

"What is Kwang Soo feeling??" Gary asked after seeing the unfortunate photo.

"I wasn't feeling anything!" Kwang Soo said, defending himself. However, the truth was that he was focusing on Bomi so he could rip off her name tag as part of a secret mission! Unfortunately, as he couldn't tell that to the members, he had no choice but to take the blame.

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Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Yang Hyun Suk releases a letter to fans and the public offering an explanation on Park Bom's incident 4 years ago

It's been a crazy morning or night for both fans as well as those over at the YG Entertainment headquarters with the outbreak of the news regarding Park Bom's incident almost 4 years ago. 

As mentioned previously, it suddenly came to light that Bom had tried to receive a drug that is illegal in Korea through international mail before it was caught by customs, an act that was defined as smuggling. Although she was cleared by the prosecution almost 4 years back, the news was still a shocking one and many had voiced their opinions about the matter.

YG Entertainment had said they were planning to release an official statement through the press, but it seems they have decided to address fans and the public through a personal letter from Yang Hyun Suk instead.

Check out what he has to say below. 

Hello, this is Yang Hyun Suk..

I wanted to explain about the report of misunderstanding that had suddenly spread yesterday night.

Why is this being explained through Yang Hyun Suk's letter and not as an official YG statement?

To be accurate, the content in the article was something that happened 4 years ago, and something that I was first told of then when Park Bom's parents came to us and told us that they had been investigated, and also about a shocking incident Bom had experienced in the past and her medical history. So until then, all of YG as well as the 2NE1 members had no knowledge of this.

That's why I thought that rather than to have YG, which doesn't really know the situation, release an official statement, it is better for me, who directly heard of all this [from Bom's parents], to tell you about it.

Your feelings about the article as a producer?

If you combine the training years, then the amount of time I've been with 2NE1 is 9 years.

The 2NE1 members I have watched over for 9 years do not smoke... do not drink much... and seems to me to have never once gone out to hang out at a club besides for official events.

At least from what I know, that's how it is... and also because I've never heard of rumors of that sort from those around me.

But the Bom that I know to be this way has suddenly become overnight a 'drug smuggler' according to the title of the article.

It's absurd and shocking that I don't know what to start off saying?
Should I be explaining this absurdity? Will that end up making this situation even bigger?

It's true that these did momentarily present a concern.

However, for all the fans of 2NE1, who are currently on their world tour... for the silly and dongseng-like Bom who became a drug smuggler overnight, I thought that I couldn't just sit back and watch.

What is the truth?

As fans already know, Park Bom spent a long time in the U.S. before 2NE1 debut, and she has said that there was a time when she dreamed of becoming a soccer player.

However, she directly witnessed a close friend dying during a game, and after that, Bom had spent difficult days as she fell into sorrow and shock that was difficult for her to handle at a young age. After that, she spent several years receiving psychological counseling and treatment and used drugs that were prescribed to her by a famous university hospital in the U.S.

After that incident, Park Bom was no longer able to continue on with soccer, and after changing her dreams to that of becoming a singer, she came to Korea and participated in the YG audition. It's a day I remember clearly.
The reason that I remember Park Bom among the numerous audition contestants is because as soon as I saw her, she had boldly stated, "If it's not YG, I'm not going to be a singer."

Although she didn't pass that audition, she came again the year after that and she didn't make it again, but in her third year, she qualified in first place among the thousands that had participated, so I think that is why Park Bom remains clear in my memory.

The reason why I am talking about these seemingly irrelevant matters is that considering that I did not know that she played soccer or about her medical history until her father told me 4 years ago, even though it's been 11 years since I first saw Bom, and that she's never brought this up to her members, it seems clear that this is a painful memory that Bom doesn't want to bring back.

Up until 4 years ago, Bom had been using the medication that she had been formally prescribed by the university hospital in the U.S., but because she could not go to the States due to her busy schedule, in the process of receiving the medication from her mom and grandmother, it had become a problem because it is a medication that is prohibited in Korea.

But luckily, her medical record over the past several years and her prescription from the university hospital were received and submitted during the investigation, so it was an event that was safely and soundly wrapped up with every evidence being provided.

It's said [the drug] has narcotic properties, did they know of this?

In common sense, what mother and grandmother would go get their daughter and grandmother narcotics?

Especially in a world like today when most medications need prescriptions, how many people know of what kind of properties a medication has?

Like I mentioned through my appearance on 'Healing Camp' before, I have to carry around a sedative and take it on a daily basis because of my panic attacks, but I am not curious about what properties make up that medication and even if someone told me, I wouldn't understand very well.

In the case of Bom, she only knew that the medication she took in the States was not available in Korea. It doesn't seem she understood that it was a medication that was prohibited in Korea.

After realizing this after the investigation 4 years ago, from what I know, she has been using another medication prescribed by a university hospital in Korea.

Because they've been busy with their world tour, I haven't seen Park Bom in a while either, but I ran into her when I came out of the office to record last night and saw her shed tears throughout the night because of the articles coming out. After seeing her this way, I feel torn that it has come to a situation where I have to explain a past that Bom does not want to reveal.

I want to wrap up my words as I apologize for bringing about worry to many of you. I will greet you again with happy news soon. Thank you.


Yang Hyun Suk

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[Updated] 2NE1's Park Bom revealed to have attempted to smuggle drugs + YGE preparing to release a statement

2NE1's Park Bom has been belatedly revealed to have tried to smuggle drugs into Korea. According to an exclusive report by Segye Ilbo (2), Park Bom used international mail in an attempt to smuggle narcotic amphetamines into Korea back in 2010. However, it has been revealed that the prosecutors (back in 2010) decided to suspend her case, meaning they would neither investigate nor punish her for the crime. This news has left many wondering why she was let off so easily and whether it was due to her celebrity status.

According to prosecutors on the 30th, Park Bom was caught back on October 12, 2010, trying to use international mail (Fedex) to smuggle 82 pills of amphetamines from the United States, but it was caught by customs at the Incheon International Airport.

Although the drug is used for medical treatment purposes in some countries, in other countries it is heavily regulated or sometimes outright banned. It is a strong central nerve system stimulant, and because it can cause a lot of harm to the body when abused, its use is banned by a Presidential decree in Korea and some other countries. Because its chemical structure is similar to methamphetamine, it is usually considered as methamphetamine when sentences are being dealt out in the country.

She was originally caught by customs, and it was reported to the Incheon District Prosecutors. The pills were scheduled to be delivered to the address of a relative and the package recipient was in the name of Park Bom's relative. The prosecution discovered the package was meant for Park Bom after investigations at the receiving address. The case was officially registered on October 19th. However, 42 days later on November 30th, the prosecutors decided to suspend the case. Case suspensions for cases where there is a charge, but there is no need to book the case. When cases are booked, a suspected person's status changes to a criminal suspect. It's the first time that the prosecutors have given such an indulgence to a for drug related crimes. Park Bom avoided all punishment because of this, and many are wondering why they decided to just let her go. 

A prosecutor with experience in drug investigations said, "Even if it is their first time, amphetamine smugglers are held and investigated by rule, and I cannot understand what the logic behind not even booking her case was.There are cases where drug criminals are first booked and then the cases are suspended, but I've never heard of a case where it wasn't even registered."

Segye Ilbo tried to contact Prosecutor Shin, who was in charge of the case, but he was unable to be contacted. He has since left the Incheon Prosecutor Office.


Update 1: A rep from YG Entertainment stated, "We're checking the truth". 
Update 2: YG Entertainment has revealed that they are preparing an official statement at the moment to release soon.
Update 3: A few media outlets have mentioned that one of the reasons that Bom was most likely cleared or given a case suspension by the prosecution is because she had a prescription for it in the States. Netizens are looking to YG Entertainment's statements to get a clear idea of what had exactly happened and what was the exact reason for why she was given the clear as the drug is still considered illegal in Korea. The agency says they were working on their statement, but that they've experienced delays in preparing it so that it may come a bit later than expected. 
Update 4: 2NE1's activities as promotional ambassadors for a campaign for the Ministry of Justice in 2010 are being questioned by media outlets, who wonder whether this may have played a role in why Bom's case was closed or suspended by the prosecution, raising questions about favoritism. 'Roommate' was also asked about whether the revelation of this past incident would play a role in Bom's appearance in the show, and a rep responded, "We held an emergency meeting after the staff learned about Bom's news... We are currently sorting out our position on the matter... There is nothing that can be said at the moment. We are currently talking it over."


Update 5: Instead of a statement from YG, Yang Hyun Suk has personally written a letter to explain what exactly happened and offer an apology for causing concern. Read it in the latest article here.

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